Democrats' Track Record: Raise Taxes

Date: July 21, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

DEMOCRATS' TRACK RECORD: RAISE TAXES -- (House of Representatives - July 21, 2005)

(Mr. DOOLITTLE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. DOOLITTLE. Mr. Speaker, the inevitable insolvency of Social Security is not a new problem. Since the program began in 1935, the number of workers per retiree has slipped from 40 to just three today. And unless Congress acts, the system will be completely bankrupt by the year 2041.

In light of these facts Republicans have put forth a variety of proposals to make Social Security remain solvent for future generations. But up to this point, Democrats have chosen to oppose our good faith efforts and insist that indeed there is no problem. The minority party's only solution to saving Social Security is the same solution they have applied to this problem for the past 68 years, to raise your taxes. On 50 separate occasions when faced with critical decisions to shore up Social Security, Democrats have resorted to either raising the payroll tax rate or the minimum taxable wage. It is clear their tax hikes have done nothing more than mask Social Security's inadequacies and postpone real and lasting solutions.
